Thursday, February 9, 2017

Blood and tragedy

Some people are born
With tragedy in their blood
The little boy was an orphan
And the girl differently able
The man doomed to faliure
They said it was as such
The dog without tail
Its a story of the unsailed

Each of us have seen
Different and vivid pain
The dull tang that's it's taste
The dusty odour
And gritty voice
All have it once and more

Some people are born
With tragedy in their blood
Some overcome
Others lay down in the mud
The orphan conquers
And girl fights
As the man waits for his desmise
The dog escapes and the world see
Blood and love conquers the sea

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Catch up

Maybe its not my fault yet
But soon it will
Deaf to the world at my heart
Maybe I should just stop it all

Stop showing emotions
Looking after smiles
Willing to keep close
In time of desmise

Sorrow and pain
Goes hand in hand
And shut from the world I am
Maybe am overturning
My sides once again

But for all I know
This is end of my game
So let's plaster the fakes
Smile and laugh

It would be one last time
And you may find release at last
Once again find some strength

Cause all I know,
We could be tieing loose ends
Deaf to world mute at heart
Wait a little its coming to the last

Smile a little  let's settle it up
People and society are here to 'catch up'

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Coffee books and rain

Coffee books and rain
Bookdragons face
Coffee books and rain
Dragons roar lions mane
A library and fandoms
Readers heaven
Dear one
Not a bookworm
Am a bookdragon
Seeing the rain
Drizzle and storm
Acute and obtuse
Let's just make a start
Dark and light
Sugary bitter
My stories
Are like coffees
Pure sensual
Dear one
Think again
A bookdragon I am
Warming up my plush chair
See it again See it thrice
A story, this world
Thats my life
Books are fire
Keeping this dragon alive
Coffee books and rain
Bookdragons face
Coffee books and rain

Friday, February 3, 2017

Holding back

My tongue got scars holding back words
My eyes got red cuz of this forsaken world
People and places puzzles and mazes
Thoughts and pain a path where it doesn't rains

Maybe not yet alas its not the best
Might tomorrow come without sorrow and pain
Not so soon hide it in that treasure chest
Shall I stop hoping for the end of this chain?

A bell did chime but it was by far a mile
A spark of light ignited qick
Quicker the air which blew it with a flick
Happiness did visit but just to have a smile